1.
Darkness
still
surrounds
me
when
wake,
but
know
that
am
giving
myself
the
gift
of
time.
【早起是给自己的一份礼物】
2.
The
world
is
peaceful
before
everyone
else
is
awake.
It's
like
having
a
secret
all
to
myself.
【在其他人还在沉睡的时候,享受平静的世界,就像拥有一个属于自己的秘密】
3.
Early
morning
moments
are
the
best.
They
offer
a
glimpse
of
the
day
to
come,
and
an
opportunity
to
prepare
for
it.
【早上的时光是最美好的,它们带来一天的预感,让人有时间整理自己的心情】
4.
The
quiet
of
the
morning
is
a
great
chance
to
reconnect
with
yourself
before
the
day's
demands
pull
you
away.
【早晨的宁静是重新联系自己的好时机,在一天的繁忙中不会被打扰】
5.
Each
day
is
a
new
beginning.
Starting
it
early
gives
you
a
head
start.
【每一天都是一个新的起点,早起可以让你提前开始】
6.
Rising
early
lets
you
create
your
own
pace
for
the
day.
You
can
set
the
tone
and
decide
where
your
energy
will
be
focused.
【早起可以让你为一天自己设定一个节奏,决定自己的精力应该放在哪里】
7.
In
the
early
hours,
the
world
seems
more
alive.
The
birds
are
singing,
the
sun
is
rising,
and
there's
a
sense
of
infinite
possibility.
【在清晨,世界变得更加生动,鸟儿在歌唱,太阳正在升起,这时有着无限的可能】
8.
Waking
up
before
everyone
else
is
an
act
of
rebellion
against
the
status
quo.
It's
saying
that
you
want
something
more,
something
different,
something
better.
【比别人早醒是对现状的一种反叛,是在说你想要更多,不同的、更好的东西】
9.
always
thought
that
my
morning
coffee
was
my
escape.
But
I've
come
to
realize
that
it's
the
act
of
waking
up
early
itself
that
sets
me
free.
【我原以为我的早晨咖啡是逃避现实的方式,但我现在意识到,早起本身就是一种自由】
10.
Early
morning
light
is
like
a
magic
wand.
It
has
the
power
to
transform
your
day
and
make
everything
seem
possible.
【早晨的光就像是一根魔杖,它有着改变一天的力量,让一切变得可能】
11.
In
the
early
hours,
the
world
belongs
to
the
dreamers
and
the
doers.
Those
who
are
willing
to
chase
their
passions
and
make
their
dreams
a
reality.
【在早晨,世界属于那些追逐梦想、付出行动的人】
2.
There's
something
special
about
the
stillness
of
the
morning.
It's
like
the
world
is
holding
its
breath,
waiting
for
you
to
make
the
first
move.
【早晨的宁静有着特别的魔力,世界仿佛屏住了呼吸,静静等待你的起床】
3.
Early
mornings
are
the
perfect
time
to
reset
and
refocus.
It's
a
chance
to
leave
yesterday's
problems
behind
and
start
fresh.
【早晨是重新调整和聚焦的好时机,可以留下昨天的问题,重新开始】
4.
The
first
light
of
day
is
like
a
promise.
It's
a
reminder
that
no
matter
how
dark
things
get,
there's
always
a
new
day
waiting
to
bring
light
again.
【第一缕阳光就像是一份承诺,提醒着人们,不管有多黑,总有新的一天,带来新的光明】
5.
Getting
up
early
means
you're
choosing
to
invest
in
yourself.
You're
prioritizing
your
health,
your
happiness,
and
your
future.
【早起意味着你选择为自己投资,关注自己的健康、幸福和未来】
6.
The
morning
is
a
blank
canvas,
waiting
for
you
to
paint
your
own
masterpiece.
What
kind
of
day
will
you
create?
【早晨是一张空白的画布,等待着你创造自己的杰作,你会创造出怎样的一天?】
7.
Sometimes
the
hardest
part
of
waking
up
early
is
taking
that
first
step
out
of
bed.
But
once
you
do,
you'll
realize
that
the
reward
is
worth
the
effort.
【有时候早起最难的部分是从床上起来,但一旦你起来了,你会意识到这一切的努力都是值得的】
8.
When
you
wake
up
with
purpose,
you
breathe
new
life
into
each
moment.
You
make
the
most
of
every
hour,
and
you
find
joy
in
even
the
smallest
things.
【有目的性地醒来,能为每一个时刻注入新的生命,利用起每一个小时,即使是最小的事情,都能带给你快乐】
9.
Waking
up
early
is
like
a
superpower.
It's
a
habit
that
sets
you
apart
from
the
rest
and
gives
you
an
edge
in
life.
【早起就像是一种超能力,它是一种让你不同于其他人的习惯,让你在生活中拥有优势】
20.
The
morning
is
the
most
sacred
time
of
day.
It's
a
chance
to
connect
with
the
universe
and
remind
yourself
of
your
place
in
it.
【早晨是一天中最神圣的时光,可以与宇宙联系,提醒自己在这个世界中的位置】