1.
Best
friends
share
a
love
of
good
food
and
great
company.
【美食情谊如胶似漆】
2.
Nothing
brings
people
together
quite
like
a
delicious
meal.
【味道让人牵挂,餐桌增情分】
3.
Laughter,
good
conversation,
and
tasty
dishes
make
for
the
perfect
dinner
party.
【餐桌上的欢声笑语,与美食共舞】
4.
true
friend
will
always
share
their
favorite
recipes
with
you.
【好朋友总是在分享美食的路上不断前行】
5.
Dining
out
with
your
besties
is
always
a
treat
for
the
senses.
【与好友品尝美食,满足所有感官】
6.
There's
nothing
quite
like
bonding
over
a
delicious
meal.
【好食如好友,大力盈场】
7.
Friends
who
cook
together,
stay
together.
【烹饪的友情,如影随形】
8.
Cheers
to
good
times
and
even
better
food!
【敬杯美食,同乐无穷】
9.
table
full
of
delicious
dishes
is
a
sight
to
behold
with
your
dearest
friends.
【与挚友共享的丰盛盛宴】
10.
Good
friends
make
every
meal
taste
even
better.
【好友陪伴、食物倍美味】
11.
Savoring
a
good
meal
with
your
besties
is
always
a
recipe
for
happiness.
【品美食,行快乐】
12.
The
best
conversations
happen
over
a
delicious
meal
with
your
closest
friends.
【一桌美食,一组最亲密的好友,一段愉悦交谈】
13.
Good
food,
good
wine,
good
company-
what
more
could
you
ask
for?
【美食、美酒和佳友,合而为一,何求更多】
14.
Some
of
the
best
memories
are
made
around
the
dinner
table.
【最美好的回忆,因美味而生】
15.
Delicious
food
makes
for
happy
hearts
and
full
stomachs.
【美食,愉心,圆满】
16.
There's
always
room
at
the
table
for
more
good
friends
and
good
food.
【餐桌上的友情,越多越好,越美味越尽兴】
17.
shared
love
of
food
can
bring
together
even
the
most
unlikely
friends.
【美食粘合友情,让不可能变成可能】
18.
true
friendship
is
built
on
a
foundation
of
trust,
loyalty,
and
shared
love
for
tasty
treats.
【好友之间建立在真诚、忠诚和对美食的热爱上】
19.
Life
moves
pretty
fast,
but
great
food
and
great
friends
slow
it
down
to
a
manageable
pace.
【生活节奏匆匆,美食和好友让你拥有宁静的时光】
20.
Food
may
be
the
common
denominator,
but
it's
the
shared
experiences
with
friends
that
make
the
meal
truly
memorable.
【美食激发共鸣,与好友同享记忆】