1.
"The
bitterness
of
high
pepper
prices
leaves
a
deeper
sting
than
the
spiciness
of
its
taste.
"
【Hurtful】
2.
"With
every
pinch
of
expensive
pepper,
feel
the
weight
of
my
wallet
getting
lighter.
"
【Sorrowful】
3.
"The
tears
of
spice
pales
in
comparison
to
the
tears
of
financial
strain
caused
by
the
costly
pepper.
"
【Gloomy】
4.
"The
heat
of
the
pepper
burns
not
only
my
tongue,
but
also
my
pockets.
"
【Sad】
5.
"Inflation
may
be
hard
to
swallow,
but
the
high
price
of
pepper
is
even
harder.
"
【Heartbreaking】
6.
"The
once
small
luxury
of
adding
a
sprinkle
of
pepper
now
feels
like
a
costly
indulgence.
"
【Heart-wrenching】
7.
"The
aroma
of
freshly
ground
pepper
no
longer
brings
joy,
but
instead
anxiety.
"
【Melancholic】
8.
"The
spice
of
life
is
meant
to
be
enjoyed,
but
at
what
cost?"
【Painful】
9.
"As
the
pepper
prices
rise,
so
does
the
resentment
towards
the
struggles
of
daily
living.
"
【Emotional】
10.
"The
taste
of
pepper
lingers,
but
the
feeling
of
financial
burden
overshadows
everything
else.
"
【Bittersweet】
11.
"The
sharpness
of
the
pepper
is
nothing
compared
to
the
sharp
sting
of
constantly
draining
funds.
"
【Unfortunate】
12.
"The
black
specks
of
pepper
are
now
nothing
but
reminders
of
the
darkness
of
financial
hardship.
"
【Mournful】
13.
"There
is
no
comfort
in
the
familiar
taste
of
pepper
when
it
comes
with
a
high
price
tag.
"
【Depressed】
14.
"Even
the
smallest
pleasures,
like
adding
pepper
to
a
dish,
become
stressful
in
times
of
high
prices.
"
【Desolate】
15.
"The
scent
of
pepper
now
carries
a
hint
of
desperation
for
those
struggling
to
afford
it.
"
【Disheartening】
16.
"With
the
addition
of
expensive
pepper,
every
meal
becomes
a
reminder
of
financial
stress.
"
【Devastated】
17.
"The
flavor
of
pepper
is
quickly
overshadowed
by
the
bitterness
of
its
rising
costs.
"
【Sombre】
18.
"The
once
simple
act
of
seasoning
with
pepper
becomes
a
harsh
reality
of
financial
strain.
"
【Agonizing】
19.
"Pepper
is
a
reminder
of
the
harshness
of
reality
and
the
struggle
of
everyday
life.
"
【Distressed】
20.
"The
hurt
caused
by
expensive
pepper
goes
deeper
than
the
pocket,
it
wounds
the
spirit.
"
【Heartrending】