1.
"知识由勤奋而来,财富由勤俭而积。
"
【Wisdom
comes
from
diligence,
wealth
comes
from
thrift.
】
2.
"行路人常说路远,知心人才知路多。
"
【Travelers
often
say
the
road
is
long,
but
only
close
friends
know
how
many
paths
there
are.
】
3.
"富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。
"
【Riches
should
not
corrupt
you,
poverty
should
not
change
you,
power
should
not
overcome
you.
】
4.
"一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春。
"
【Plan
your
day
in
the
morning,
plan
your
year
in
the
spring.
】
5.
"不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
"
【If
you
do
not
enter
the
tiger's
den,
you
will
not
catch
its
cubs.
】
6.
"读书百遍,其义自见。
"
【Read
a
book
hundred
times,
and
the
meaning
will
become
clear.
】
7.
"己所不欲,勿施于人。
"
【Do
not
do
to
others
what
you
would
not
want
done
to
yourself.
】
8.
"天行健,君子以自强不息。
"
【As
heaven
perseveres,
so
should
a
noble
person,
striving
to
better
oneself
constantly.
】
9.
"三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。
"
【An
army
can
depose
its
commander,
but
a
man's
will
cannot
be
taken
away.
】
10.
"随遇而安,顺境逆境皆不动。
"
【Be
content
with
what
comes
your
way,
and
remain
unmoved
in
both
good
and
bad
times.
】
11.
"不怕慢,只怕站。
"
【Do
not
be
afraid
of
being
slow,
be
afraid
of
standing
still.
】
12.
"苟日新,日日新,又日新。
"
【If
you
strive
for
improvement
every
day,
you
will
become
new
every
day.
】
13.
"即使千金难买意,自己的志向必须更加珍惜。
"
【Even
if
money
cannot
buy
what
you
desire,
cherish
your
goals
even
more.
】
14.
"忍而不流,弱而不断。
"
【Endure
without
lamenting,
remain
firm
without
giving
up.
】
15.
"自古不谋万世者,不足谋一时。
"
【Those
who
do
not
plan
for
the
long
term
are
likely
to
fail
in
the
short
term
as
well.
】
16.
"熟能生巧,不熟不巧。
"
【Practice
makes
perfect,
without
practice
there
can
be
no
skill.
】
17.
"莫道无人,莫道无己。
"
【Do
not
say
there
are
no
capable
people,
nor
that
you
yourself
are
incapable.
】
18.
"仁者无敌,智者无敌,勇者无敌。
"
【The
benevolent,
the
wise,
and
the
courageous
are
all
invincible.
】
19.
"不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
入则无法推却,不入则机会难得。
"
【If
you
do
not
enter
the
tiger's
den,
you
will
not
catch
its
cubs.
If
you
do,
you
have
no
escape,
but
if
you
don't,
you
may
lose
your
opportunity.
】
20.
"水可以载舟,亦可覆舟。
"
【Water
can
carry
a
boat,
but
it
can
also
overturn
it.
】