.jpg)
1.
"To
taste
the
sweet,
one
must
first
endure
the
bitter.
"
-
以先苦后甜为人生真谛。
【人生哲理】
2.
"The
hardships
we
endure
now
only
make
the
sweetness
later
taste
all
the
sweeter.
"
-
忍受现在的苦难,为了未来那份美好。
【前行勉励】
3.
"In
the
midst
of
bitter
experiences,
remember
that
sweetness
awaits
those
who
endure.
"
-
苦难之中,只需忍耐,甜蜜自会到来。
【激励自己】
4.
"A
life
without
struggle
is
like
a
cup
without
sweetness.
"
-
没有挣扎的人生犹如没有甜蜜的咖啡。
【感悟人生】
5.
"Beautiful
things
come
to
those
who
persevere
through
the
bitterest
of
times.
"
-
美好的事物属于那些能忍受最苦的时刻的人。
【珍爱人生】
6.
"Great
things
never
come
from
comfort
zones.
"
-
伟大的事物从来都不产生于舒适的地带。
【追逐梦想】
7.
"In
order
to
find
the
sweetest
fruit,
one
must
climb
the
highest
tree.
"
-
要找到最美味的果实,得攀上最高的树。
【勇往直前】
8.
"Enduring
hardship
today
brings
the
happiness
of
tomorrow.
"
-
痛苦的忍受,换来的是明天的幸福。
【珍惜生命】
9.
"The
sweetest
victories
often
come
after
the
most
difficult
battles.
"
-
最甜美的胜利往往是从最艰难的战斗中获得的。
【锲而不舍】
10.
"Through
the
deepest
pain
comes
the
greatest
growth.
"
-
在最深的苦痛中,也能收获最大的成长。
【学无止境】
11.
"The
sweet
moments
in
life
are
made
even
sweeter
by
the
hardships
we
endured
to
get
there.
"
-
人生中的甜美时刻都是因为我们承受了苦难而变得更美好。
【感悟人生】
12.
"There
is
reward
in
the
struggle,
just
as
there
is
sweetness
in
the
sour.
"
-
身陷困境,我们会有所收获,因为哪怕是苦中作乐,也能品尝到甜美。
【勇敢前行】
13.
"The
bitterest
tears
shed
in
darkness
will
one
day
be
replaced
by
the
sweetest
smiles
in
the
sun.
"
-
黑暗中的苦泪总有一天会变成阳光下的甜笑。
【盼望美好】
14.
"Life
is
like
a
candy,
sweet
on
the
inside
but
wrapped
in
layers
of
bitterness.
"
-
人生犹如一颗糖果,内心甘甜却包覆着层层苦涩。
【领悟生命】
15.
"No
matter
how
bitter
the
winter,
spring
is
sure
to
follow
with
its
sweet,
warm
embrace.
"
-
冬天再苦寒,春天总会带来甜蜜温暖的拥抱。
【憧憬未来】
16.
"The
beauty
of
the
sunrise
is
only
fully
appreciated
after
enduring
the
darkness
of
night.
"
-
守候一夜黑暗,才能欣赏完整的日出美景。
【感叹生命】
17.
"The
sweetest
roses
grow
from
the
toughest
thorns.
"
-
最美的花朵总是在最坚硬的荆棘中生长。
【挑战自我】
18.
"Without
darkness,
we
wouldn't
appreciate
the
sweet
beauty
of
the
stars.
"
-
没有黑暗,我们就无法欣赏星空的美丽。
【感恩生命】
19.
"The
sweetest
rewards
are
often
the
result
of
the
hardest
work.
"
-
最甜蜜最可贵的回报往往是最辛苦的付出带来的。
【珍爱今日】
20.
"The
joy
of
reaching
the
top
of
the
mountain
is
only
heightened
by
the
struggles
endured
to
climb
there.
"
-
抵达山顶的欢乐因攀登的苦难而倍增。
【向上攀登】