1.
The
mountains
are
a
nature's
way
of
reminding
us
how
small
we
really
are.
【感知山川的美,感受自己的渺小】
2.
Particles
of
light
dancing
through
the
trees,
illuminating
the
leaves
like
scattered
diamonds.
【树枝间光的舞蹈,叶子间钻石般的闪烁】
3.
The
ocean
has
a
language
that
only
the
soul
understands.
【海洋有一种语言,只有灵魂才能理解】
4.
Clouds
are
the
poetry
of
the
sky,
they
speak
silently
yet
they
tell
a
story.
【云彩是天空的诗,默默诉说着自己的故事】
5.
The
golden
hour
cast
a
beautiful
spell
on
everything
it
touches.
【黄金时刻,流转着美丽的幻觉】
6.
Nature
is
not
a
place
to
visit,
it's
a
feeling
to
experience.
【大自然不是只去参观的,而是去感受的】
7.
sunset
is
the
sun's
fiery
kiss
to
the
night.
【日落是太阳热情的吻别】
8.
Waterfalls
are
the
voice
of
nature,
singing
melodies
of
peace
and
tranquility.
【瀑布是大自然的声音,唱响和平与安宁的旋律】
9.
Starry
skies
that
gleam
with
a
million
glints
of
light,
a
canvas
painted
by
the
universe.
【繁星闪耀的夜空,宇宙为它绘就了一幅画布】
10.
The
rustling
of
leaves
is
nature's
lullaby,
soothing
our
restless
souls.
【树叶哗哗作响,是大自然轻松我们不安的灵魂】
11.
In
the
woods,
the
world
comes
alive
in
a
symphony
of
vibrant
colors
and
sounds.
【在林间,万物沉睡中唤醒,形成了一场生动的色彩交响曲】
12.
Mountains
are
the
majestic
guardians
of
the
earth,
standing
tall
and
steadfast
for
all
eternity.
【大山是地球的威武护卫,高耸不倒,永恒如山】
13.
Nature
is
not
just
a
landscape,
it's
a
portrait
of
life
itself.
【大自然并不仅仅是一片风景,而是生命本身的肖像】
14.
The
sound
of
waves
crashing
is
a
melody
to
the
ears,
soothing
and
calming.
【海浪拍岸的声音,如一曲美妙的乐章,充满安详与宁静】
15.
The
gentle
breeze
is
nature's
way
of
whispering
secrets
of
the
universe.
【轻柔微风,是大自然向我们轻声细语地述说宇宙的奥秘】
16.
The
beauty
of
nature
is
not
just
in
its
grandeur,
but
also
in
its
simplicity.
【大自然的美丽并不仅在于其宏伟,还体现在其简单之中】
17.
single
bloom
can
brighten
up
a
whole
meadow
and
fill
our
hearts
with
joy.
【一朵花,足以照亮整个花园,令我们的心充满喜悦】
18.
Sunrises
are
a
reminder
that
every
day
is
a
new
beginning,
bringing
with
it
a
world
of
possibilities.
【日出提醒我们每一天都是新的开始,带来了无尽的可能性】
19.
The
scent
of
blooming
flowers
is
nature's
perfume,
filling
our
senses
with
its
sweet
fragrance.
【花香是大自然的香水,充满甜蜜的气息】
20.
Nature
is
a
canvas
painted
by
the
divine,
a
masterpiece
of
creation
for
us
to
marvel
at.
【大自然是上帝为我们创造的杰作,一幅值得我们歎为观止的画卷】