.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
like
snow,
it
blankets
everything
in
its
path.
"
【雪覆盖大地般的爱情】
2.
"Love,
like
snow,
is
pure
and
gentle,
and
can
melt
even
the
coldest
heart.
"
【爱,如雪,纯净温柔,可融化最冰冷的心】
3.
"Just
like
snowflakes,
no
two
people's
love
stories
are
the
same.
"
【就像雪花一样,没有两个人的爱情故事相同】
4.
"The
beauty
of
love
is
like
freshly-fallen
snow.
It
may
be
transient,
but
it
leaves
a
lasting
impression
on
our
hearts.
"
【爱情的美好如新落的雪,或许短暂,但却永远留在我们心中】
5.
"Love,
like
snow,
can
be
soft
and
gentle,
or
hard
and
cold.
It
depends
on
how
it
falls.
"
【爱情,如雪,有时是柔软温柔,有时冷酷无情,取决于它的降落方式】
6.
"True
love
is
like
a
snowball,
it
grows
bigger
and
stronger
with
each
passing
day.
"
【真爱就像雪球,每天都在不断地增加和强化】
7.
"Just
as
snow
melts
and
becomes
water,
love
can
transform
and
grow
into
something
even
more
beautiful.
"
【就像雪融化成水,爱情也可以转化成更美丽的东西】
8.
"Love,
like
snow,
can
leave
a
trail
that
is
beautiful
and
unique.
"
【爱情,如雪,留下的痕迹独特美丽】
9.
"The
magic
of
love
is
like
a
snowstorm,
it
envelops
you
and
creates
a
world
of
wonder.
"
【爱情的魔力如暴风雪,包围你,创造出奇妙的世界】
10.
"Like
snowflakes,
love
can
be
fragile
and
delicate,
but
it
can
also
be
strong
and
resilient.
"
【像雪花一样,爱情可以脆弱而娇嫩,也可以坚强而有韧性】
11.
"Sometimes
love
can
fall
like
snowflakes,
gently
and
unexpectedly.
"
【有时候爱情如雪花般轻柔,不经意间降临】
12.
"Just
as
snowflakes
are
all
different,
so
too
are
the
ways
we
show
and
experience
love.
"
【就像雪花各不相同,我们表达和体验爱的方式也是如此】
13.
"Love
can
be
like
a
snow
globe,
full
of
wonder
and
beauty,
but
just
as
easily
shaken
up
and
disbursed.
"
【爱情就像雪球,充满奇妙与美丽,但同样容易被摇散】
14.
"The
beauty
of
love,
like
freshly-fallen
snow,
is
that
it
has
the
power
to
make
everything
feel
new
and
fresh
again.
"
【爱情的美好,如新降的雪,有让一切都焕发出新鲜感的能力】
15.
"Just
as
snow
can
be
surprisingly
heavy,
so
too
can
the
weight
of
love
be
surprisingly
strong
and
intense.
"
【就像雪能让人惊讶地显得沉重,爱情的重量也能惊人地强大和严酷】
16.
"Like
snow,
love
can
be
a
beautiful
and
transformative
force,
but
it
can
also
be
dangerous
and
destructive.
"
【像雪一样,爱情既可以成为美丽而变化的力量,也可以是危险和破坏的】
17.
"In
the
harshness
of
winter,
love
can
be
like
a
warm
blanket
to
protect
and
comfort
us.
"
【在严寒的冬季,爱情可以像保护我们般温暖的毛毯】
18.
"Love
is
like
a
snowfall
on
a
winter's
night,
it
can
make
even
the
darkest
of
times
feel
beautiful
and
magical.
"
【爱情就像冬夜的雪,可以让最黑暗的时刻变得美丽和神奇】
19.
"Love,
like
a
snowdrift,
can
be
deep
and
vast,
with
hidden
mysteries
waiting
to
be
uncovered.
"
【爱情,如积雪,深邃广阔,隐藏着等待被发掘的秘密】
20.
"Like
a
snowstorm,
love
can
be
unpredictable,
yet
still
hold
the
power
to
mesmerize
and
captivate
us.
"
【像暴风雪一样,爱情可以不可预测,但仍然有着迷人和吸引我们的力量】