.jpg)
1.
"The
Earth
is
art,
the
photographer
is
only
a
witness.
"
【地球是一件艺术品,摄影师只是一个见证者。
】
2.
"Mountains
are
like
giant
sculptures
crafted
by
Mother
Nature
herself.
"
【山脉就像是母自然亲手雕刻的巨型雕塑。
】
3.
"The
vastness
of
the
ocean
serves
as
a
reminder
that
our
world
is
full
of
mystery
and
wonder.
"
【广袤的海洋提醒我们,我们的世界充满了神秘和奇妙。
】
4.
"Sunsets
never
get
old,
they
just
get
more
beautiful
with
each
passing
day.
"
【日落从未变老,它们只是每天更美丽。
】
5.
"The
beauty
of
nature
is
a
constant
source
of
inspiration
for
poets,
writers,
and
artists
alike.
"
【自然之美是诗人、作家和艺术家的不断灵感来源。
】
6.
"Rainforests
are
the
lungs
of
our
planet,
and
we
must
do
all
we
can
to
protect
them.
"
【雨林是我们星球的肺腑之地,我们必须尽一切努力去保护它们。
】
7.
"The
symmetry
of
the
Taj
Mahal
is
an
architectural
wonder
that
never
ceases
to
amaze.
"
【泰姬陵的对称美是一种建筑奇迹,永远都无法停止让人惊叹。
】
8.
"The
Grand
Canyon
is
a
testimony
to
the
power
and
majesty
of
nature.
"
【大峡谷见证了大自然的力量和威严。
】
9.
"The
Northern
Lights
are
a
breathtaking
display
of
color
and
light
in
the
night
sky.
"
【北极光是夜空中颜色和光的惊人展示。
】
10.
"The
Great
Barrier
Reef
is
a
living
masterpiece,
home
to
countless
species
of
marine
life.
"
【大堡礁是一个生命的杰作,是无数海洋生物的家园。
】
11.
"The
towering
peaks
of
the
Himalayas
are
a
stark
reminder
of
the
raw
power
of
nature.
"
【喜马拉雅山脉高耸入云,生动地提醒了我们大自然的原始力量。
】
12.
"The
fjords
of
Norway
are
a
breathtaking
example
of
natural
beauty
and
serenity.
"
【挪威的峡湾是大自然美丽和宁静的惊人例证。
】
13.
"The
rolling
hills
of
Tuscany
are
a
romantic
vision
that
never
fails
to
enchant.
"
【托斯卡纳的起伏山丘是一种浪漫的景象,让人无法抵御。
】
14.
"The
Eiffel
Tower
is
a
timeless
symbol
of
love,
beauty,
and
elegance.
"
【埃菲尔铁塔是爱情、美丽和优雅的永恒象征。
】
15.
"The
Great
Wall
of
China
is
a
monumental
feat
of
engineering
and
a
testament
to
human
perseverance.
"
【中国长城是一项工程上的壮举,也是人类毅力的见证。
】
16.
"The
deserts
of
the
world
are
a
hostile
yet
mesmerizing
landscape,
where
life
finds
a
way
to
survive.
"
【全球的沙漠都是一种敌意十足但也很迷人的景观,在那里,生命能够找到生存的方法。
】
17.
"The
Swiss
Alps
are
a
picturesque
wonderland
where
the
beauty
of
nature
is
on
full
display.
"
【瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉是一个如画的仙境,大自然之美在那里得到了充分的展示。
】
18.
"The
cherry
blossoms
of
Japan
are
a
delicate
yet
vibrant
display
of
the
beauty
of
springtime.
"
【日本的樱花是春天美丽而又活力四射的展示。
】
19.
"The
Red
Sea
is
a
stunning
display
of
color
and
life,
with
vibrant
coral
reefs
and
exotic
marine
creatures.
"
【红海令人惊叹的色彩和生命显示,有着充满活力的珊瑚礁和异国情调的海洋生物。
】
20.
"The
beauty
of
our
world
is
a
gift
to
be
cherished
and
protected
for
generations
to
come.
"
【我们的世界之美是一份珍贵的礼物,应该得到保护和珍视,留给后代。
】