1.
"Sometimes,
even
the
strongest
fences
cannot
keep
the
pain
out.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
2.
"The
beauty
of
a
fence
lies
not
only
in
its
ability
to
protect,
but
also
in
the
stories
it
holds.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
3.
"Behind
every
fence,
there's
a
story
waiting
to
be
told.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
4.
"The
most
painful
thing
about
fences
is
that
they
remind
us
of
the
barriers
we
create
between
ourselves
and
others.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
5.
"Sometimes,
we
build
fences
to
keep
others
out,
but
end
up
trapping
ourselves
in.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
6.
"A
fence
can
offer
security,
but
at
what
cost
to
our
freedom?"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
7.
"In
the
end,
we
must
decide
whether
the
comfort
of
a
fence
is
worth
the
loneliness
it
brings.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
8.
"The
hardest
fences
to
break
are
the
ones
we
erect
in
our
minds.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
9.
"Even
the
thickest
walls
cannot
keep
out
the
ache
of
a
broken
heart.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
10.
"Love,
like
sunshine,
can
penetrate
even
the
strongest
of
fences.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
11.
"The
fence
between
us
may
be
tall,
but
our
hearts
still
beat
as
one.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
12.
"There's
something
lonely
about
a
fence
alone
in
a
field,
its
only
purpose
to
separate.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
13.
"The
more
we
build
fences,
the
less
we
see
the
world
for
what
it
truly
is.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
14.
"In
the
end,
a
fence
is
just
a
symbol
of
the
divisions
we
create
between
ourselves.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
15.
"A
fence
can
keep
people
out,
but
it
can
also
keep
us
in.
Which
is
worse?"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
16.
"In
life,
we
must
choose
whether
we
want
to
be
trapped
inside
the
safety
of
a
fence
or
free
to
roam
the
world.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
17.
"The
saddest
part
of
a
fence
is
that
it
can
keep
us
from
the
very
thing
our
hearts
desire.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
18.
"The
more
we
rely
on
fences,
the
harder
it
becomes
to
trust
and
love
one
another.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
19.
"Sometimes
the
only
way
to
tear
down
a
fence
is
with
an
open
heart
and
an
open
mind.
"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】
20.
"Behind
every
fence,
there's
a
world
waiting
to
be
explored.
Will
you
venture
out
or
stay
locked
inside?"
【栅栏图片伤感语录英文】