.jpg)
1.
Life
is
a
never-ending
journey
of
misery
and
boredom
【#LifeIsAJoyfulRide
#Sarcasm】
2.
Roses
are
red,
violets
are
blue,
life
is
pointless
and
so
are
you
【#LifeIsAChallenge
#Savage】
3.
The
only
thing
more
tedious
than
life
is
pretending
to
enjoy
it
【#FakeSmiles
#JustKidding】
4.
Life
is
like
a
box
of
chocolates.
.
.
empty
and
disappointing
【#ForrestGumpWho
#NegativeNancy】
5.
Wake
up,
go
to
work,
come
home,
sleep.
Repeat.
The
thrilling
life
we
all
dream
of
【#9To5Grind
#LivingTheDream】
6.
Life
is
like
a
game
of
chess
-
slow,
boring,
and
ultimately
pointless
【#ChessIsBetter
#SorryNotSorry】
7.
Life
is
a
rollercoaster
of
emotions
and
by
that
mean
we're
all
just
on
a
downward
spiral
【#EmotionallyDrained
#HelpMe】
8.
They
say
life
is
short,
but
honestly,
it
feels
pretty
freaking
long
【#LongLiveMisery
#SadButTrue】
9.
Life
is
a
comedy
for
those
who
think
and
a
tragedy
for
those
who
feel.
Well,
guess
I'm
screwed
then
【#ThinkerAndFeeler
#DoubleWhammy】
10.
Life
is
like
a
blank
canvas,
some
people
create
beautiful
masterpieces
and
others
just
spill
paint
everywhere
【#PicassoVibes
#ArtNotMyThing】
11.
Life
is
like
a
never-ending
game
of
dodgeball,
and
we're
all
just
the
targets
【#DodgeThis
#GameOn】
12.
Life
is
short
and
so
am
I.
That's
pretty
much
all
there
is
to
say
【#ShortAndSassy
#SizeDoesntMatter】
13.
Life
is
a
party
and
wasn't
invited
【#PartyPooper
#ForeverAlone】
14.
Life
is
like
a
cup
of
coffee,
bitter
and
not
worth
the
price
【#CoffeeHater
#TeaIsBetter】
15.
Life
is
a
puzzle
and
I'm
missing
half
the
pieces
【#LostPieces
#StruggleIsReal】
16.
Life
is
like
a
soap
opera,
dramatic
and
full
of
plot
twists
that
never
seem
to
end
【#DramaQueen
#WhenWillItEnd】
17.
Life
is
a
highway
and
I'm
stuck
in
traffic
【#TrafficJam
#RoadRage】
18.
Life
is
like
a
book,
some
chapters
are
exciting
and
others
are
just
filler
【#PageTurner
#BoringChapters】
19.
Life
is
like
a
bad
movie,
you
keep
waiting
for
it
to
get
better
but
it
just
doesn't
【#WorstMovieEver
#NotWorthThePopcorn】
20.
Life
is
like
a
wave,
it
comes
crashing
down
and
leaves
you
feeling
helpless
【#RidingTheWave
#Wipeout】