.jpg)
1.
"Wow,
this
article
really
hit
home
for
me.
never
thought
about
it
that
way"
【感同身受】
2.
"This
is
so
true!
Everyone
needs
to
read
this
and
take
notes"
【真理哦~】
3.
"I
couldn't
agree
more.
This
is
something
we
all
need
to
work
on"
【同意同意】
4.
"I
just
shared
this
with
all
my
friends,
it's
too
good
not
to
pass
on"
【转发到朋友圈】
5.
"I
love
how
this
article
breaks
everything
down
in
a
clear
and
concise
way"
【内容精炼】
6.
"I'm
definitely
guilty
of
some
of
the
things
this
article
talks
about,
time
to
make
some
changes!"
【自我反省】
7.
"This
is
exactly
what
needed
to
read
today.
Thank
you
for
sharing"
【及时良药】
8.
"I'm
bookmarking
this
one
for
future
reference!"
【书签收藏】
9.
"This
is
such
an
important
topic,
thanks
for
shedding
light
on
it"
【重视关注】
10.
"I
think
everyone
can
learn
something
from
this,
no
matter
their
age
or
experience"
【不分年龄】
11.
"I've
always
struggled
with
this,
it's
comforting
to
know
I'm
not
alone"
【同病相怜】
12.
"This
is
a
must-read
for
anyone
trying
to
improve
themselves"
【自我提升】
13.
"Thank
you
for
inspiring
me
to
be
a
better
version
of
myself"
【鼓舞自己】
14.
"I'm
going
to
share
this
with
my
co-workers,
we
all
need
to
work
on
this
together"
【传播正能量】
15.
"I
didn't
realize
the
impact
of
what
this
article
talks
about
until
read
it"
【领悟深刻】
16.
"This
is
a
topic
that
needs
to
be
discussed
more
openly,
thanks
for
starting
the
conversation"
【推波助澜】
17.
"I
feel
motivated
to
put
these
suggestions
into
action
right
away"
【行动起来】
18.
"This
is
the
kind
of
content
love
to
see
on
my
feed,
keep
it
coming!"
【好文推荐】
19.
"I
just
sent
this
to
my
mom,
she's
going
to
love
it"
【分享给亲友】
20.
"I'm
so
glad
stumbled
across
this
article,
it's
exactly
what
needed
right
now"
【撞大运啦】