1.
"Love
is
a
flame
that
burns
bright
at
first,
but
if
not
tended
to,
it
will
eventually
extinguish.
"
【想要让爱情维持下去,就要时刻注重细节。
】
2.
"The
honeymoon
phase
of
a
relationship
can't
last
forever;
it's
up
to
both
partners
to
keep
the
spark
alive.
"
【新婚燃烧的激情难以持久,只有双方共同努力才能不让它熄灭。
】
3.
"Familiarity
breeds
contempt,
and
the
same
can
be
said
about
relationships.
"
【熟悉生嫌,与情侣关系也是如此。
】
4.
"It's
easy
to
take
someone
for
granted
when
they're
always
there,
but
that's
how
love
fades.
"
【当有人时时刻刻在你身边时,你很容易觉得他是理所应当的,但这也是爱情逐渐淡化的原因。
】
5.
"Sometimes,
love
isn't
enough
to
sustain
a
relationship.
"
【有时候,爱情并不足以维持一段关系。
】
6.
"Communication
is
key
in
any
relationship,
but
it's
especially
important
when
it
comes
to
keeping
love
alive.
"
【在任何一段关系中,良好的沟通都是关键,尤其在保持爱情活力方面如此。
】
7.
"Fights
and
disagreements
are
normal
in
a
relationship,
but
it's
how
you
handle
them
that
can
make
or
break
your
love.
"
【在恋爱关系中,吵架和争吵都很正常,关键是你如何处理这些矛盾,这将决定你的爱情成败。
】
8.
"Taking
time
for
yourself
is
important,
but
neglecting
your
relationship
can
lead
to
love
fading
away.
"
【为自己留出时间很重要,但是忽视了你的关系就会导致爱情逐渐消失。
】
9.
"Things
may
change
and
life
may
get
in
the
way,
but
never
forget
why
you
fell
in
love
in
the
first
place.
"
【生活可能会发生变化,但永远不要忘记你为什么会爱上对方。
】
10.
"Love
isn't
something
that
can
be
put
on
autopilot;
both
people
need
to
put
in
effort
to
make
it
last.
"
【爱情不能被自动驾驶,双方都需要付出努力才能维持它。
】
11.
"The
little
things
matter
in
a
relationship,
and
ignoring
them
can
cause
love
to
fade.
"
【小事情在一段关系中很重要,忽视它们会导致爱情逐渐消失。
】
12.
"Trust
and
honesty
are
the
foundation
of
any
strong
relationship,
and
without
them,
love
can't
survive.
"
【信任和诚实是坚实关系的基石,没有它们,爱情就无法生存。
】
13.
"Trying
new
things
together
can
inject
excitement
into
a
relationship
and
keep
love
from
becoming
stagnant.
"
【一起尝试新事物可以给关系注入兴奋,防止爱情变得陈旧。
】
14.
"Don't
forget
to
take
time
to
appreciate
and
celebrate
each
other's
accomplishments,
big
or
small.
"
【别忘了花时间赞赏和庆祝彼此的成就,不论大小。
】
15.
"It's
important
to
be
present
in
the
moment
with
your
partner,
rather
than
constantly
looking
to
the
future.
"
【要与自己的伴侣一起享受当下,而不是一直向未来看。
】
16.
"Love
requires
effort,
patience,
and
understanding
from
both
partners.
"
【爱情需要双方的努力、耐心和理解。
】
17.
"Never
stop
communicating
your
feelings
and
what
you
need
from
your
partner,
even
if
it's
difficult.
"
【永远不要停止沟通你的感受和你对伴侣的需求,即使这很困难。
】
18.
"Being
able
to
compromise
and
meet
in
the
middle
is
essential
to
keeping
love
alive.
"
【妥协和相互交汇是保持爱情活力的关键。
】
19.
"Don't
be
afraid
to
seek
outside
help
or
counseling
if
needed;
it's
a
sign
of
strength,
not
weakness.
"
【需要时不要害怕寻求外界帮助或咨询,这是一种力量的体现,而不是弱点。
】
20.
"Love
may
ebb
and
flow,
but
with
dedication
and
effort,
it
can
be
reignited
and
burn
brighter
than
ever.
"
【爱情可能会有涨有落,但是用你的专注和努力,它将被重新点燃,并比以往更加璀璨。
】