.jpg)
1.
"Je
parle
couramment
français.
"】
(I
speak
French
fluently.
)
2.
"Hablando
español
enriquece
mis
experiencias
de
viaje.
"】
(Speaking
Spanish
enriches
my
travel
experiences.
)
3.
"Ich
lerne
gerne
Deutsch,
um
meine
beruflichen
Möglichkeiten
zu
erweitern.
"】
(I
enjoy
learning
German
to
expand
my
career
opportunities.
)
4.
"Studying
Mandarin
Chinese
opens
doors
to
a
vibrant
culture.
"】
(学习汉语打开了一个充满活力的文化之门。
)
5.
"Parler
italien
me
fait
sentir
connecté
avec
mes
racines.
"】
(Speaking
Italian
makes
me
feel
connected
to
my
roots.
)
6.
"Aprender
inglés
me
permite
comunicarme
con
personas
de
todo
el
mundo.
"】
(Learning
English
allows
me
to
communicate
with
people
from
all
over
the
world.
)
7.
"Aprender
árabe
me
desafía
a
superar
barreras
culturales.
"】
(Learning
Arabic
challenges
me
to
overcome
cultural
barriers.
)
8.
"Mi
piace
studiare
il
giapponese
perché
è
una
lingua
molto
elegante.
"】
(I
enjoy
studying
Japanese
because
it's
a
very
elegant
language.
)
9.
"Открытие
для
новых
языков
открывает
возможности
для
новых
друзей.
"】
(Discovering
new
languages
opens
opportunities
for
new
friendships.
)
10.
"آموزش
زبان
فارسی
،
فرهنگ
و
هنر
ایرانی
را
برای
من
زنده
می
کند.
"】
(Learning
Persian
keeps
Iranian
culture
and
art
alive
for
me.
)
11.
"Learning
Portuguese
allows
me
to
explore
the
rich
history
of
Brazil.
"】
(Aprender
portugués
me
permite
explorar
la
rica
historia
de
Brasil.
)
12.
"Русский
язык
открывает
двери
к
богатой
литературе.
"】
(The
Russian
language
opens
doors
to
rich
literature.
)
13.
"Mi
piace
imparare
il
latino
perché
mi
aiuta
a
capire
le
radici
delle
lingue
moderne.
"】
(I
enjoy
learning
Latin
because
it
helps
me
understand
the
roots
of
modern
languages.
)
14.
"Apprendre
le
français
me
permet
de
comprendre
la
riche
culture
francophone.
"】
(Learning
French
allows
me
to
understand
the
rich
Francophone
culture.
)
15.
"学习韩语让我更加了解韩国的现代文化和流行文化。
"】
(Learning
Korean
helps
me
understand
modern
and
popular
culture
in
South
Korea.
)
16.
"Espanjan
opiskelu
auttaa
minua
kommunikoimaan
ja
ymmärtämään
latinalaisamerikkalaista
kulttuuria.
"】
(Studying
Spanish
helps
me
communicate
and
understand
Latin
American
culture.
)
17.
"Il
tedesco
mi
dà
accesso
a
un'economia
forte
e
a
un'elevata
qualità
della
vita.
"】
(German
gives
me
access
to
a
strong
economy
and
high
quality
of
life.
)
18.
"Russian
имеет
богатую
историю
и
открывает
мир
русской
литературы.
"】
(Russian
has
a
rich
history
and
opens
up
the
world
of
Russian
literature.
)
19.
"Apprendre
l'arabe
me
permet
de
mieux
comprendre
les
traditions
et
la
religion
de
mes
amis
arabes.
"】
(Learning
Arabic
allows
me
to
better
understand
the
traditions
and
religion
of
my
Arab
friends.
)
20.
"学习法语使我能够欣赏法国优秀的文学和电影艺术。
"】
(Learning
French
enables
me
to
appreciate
the
excellent
literature
and
film
art
of
France.
)