.jpg)
1.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
commitment.
【#LoveIsCommitment】
2.
When
you
find
someone
who
makes
your
heart
skip
a
beat,
hold
onto
them.
【#HoldOntoLove】
3.
Love
isn't
always
easy,
but
it's
always
worth
it.
【#LoveIsWorthIt】
4.
True
love
is
when
you
can
be
yourself
around
the
other
person.
【#BeYourselfInLove】
5.
Love
is
not
about
finding
the
perfect
person,
it’s
about
loving
an
imperfect
person
perfectly.
【#LoveImperfectlyPerfect】
6.
successful
relationship
requires
falling
in
love
multiple
times,
but
always
with
the
same
person.
【#FallingInLoveAgain】
7.
Love
is
like
a
plant.
It
needs
to
be
nurtured
and
cared
for
in
order
to
grow.
【#NurtureLove】
8.
Love
is
not
about
how
much
you
say
'I
love
you',
but
how
much
you
prove
it's
true.
【#ProveLove】
9.
Love
is
an
adventure
worth
taking.
【#LoveAdventure】
10.
Being
in
love
means
never
having
to
say
sorry
for
being
yourself.
【#LoveApology】
11.
Love
is
when
two
hearts
beat
as
one.
【#HearbeatLove】
12.
Love
is
not
about
looking
into
each
other's
eyes,
but
about
looking
in
the
same
direction
together.
【#SameDirectionLove】
13.
Finding
love
is
easy,
but
keeping
it
alive
takes
hard
work
and
commitment.
【#KeepLoveAlive】
14.
Love
is
the
most
powerful
force
in
the
universe.
【#PowerOfLove】
15.
Love
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
【#LoveJourney】
16.
relationship
is
not
just
about
finding
someone
who
completes
you,
but
about
learning
to
love
yourself
too.
【#LoveMyself】
17.
True
love
is
when
the
littlest
thing
reminds
you
of
them
and
you
smile
like
an
idiot.
【#TrueLoveSmile】
18.
relationship
is
like
a
puzzle.
Each
piece
is
important,
but
it
takes
both
of
them
to
make
it
complete.
【#PuzzleLove】
19.
When
two
hearts
are
meant
to
be
together,
no
distance
is
too
far,
no
time
is
too
long,
and
no
other
love
can
break
them
apart.
【#MeantToBe】
20.
Love
is
the
music
of
the
heart.
【#MusicOfTheHeartLove】