.jpg)
1.
"Abyssal
denizens,
extirpate
your
quotidian
complacency!"
【深渊居民,摧毁你们的平凡生活!
】
2.
"Perennial
sophistry
challenges
even
the
most
astute
minds.
"
【长久的诡辩挑战了最聪明的头脑。
】
3.
"To
label
this
critique
facile
would
be
a
gross
misnomer.
"
【将此批评称为肤浅将是一个荒谬的错误。
】
4.
"The
vicissitudes
of
life
often
catalyze
unexpected
epiphanies.
"
【人生的变幻常常催发出意想不到的顿悟。
】
5.
"An
esoteric
lexicon
belies
a
deep
and
intricate
world.
"
【一个深奥的词汇背后隐藏着一个深刻而错综复杂的世界。
】
6.
"The
nebulous
nebulae
twinkle
in
the
velvet
void.
"
【模糊的星云在柔软的虚空中闪耀。
】
7.
"A
plenitude
of
prevarications
greets
the
unwary
interlocutor.
"
【无数的搪塞欺骗着轻信的对话者。
】
8.
"The
enigmatic
enigma
remains
an
enigma
even
to
the
enigmatic
enigmatologist.
"
【神秘的谜团即使对于神秘的谜团学家来说也是一个谜团。
】
9.
"Chaos
theory
elucidates
the
complex
patterns
of
causality
underlying
ostensibly
random
events.
"
【混沌理论解释了表面上随机事件背后复杂的因果模式。
】
10.
"Existential
angst
permeates
even
the
most
mundane
activities.
"
【存在主义的焦虑贯穿了即使是最平凡的活动。
】
11.
"The
paucity
of
clarity
fuels
a
cacophony
of
discordant
voices.
"
【清晰不足的情况下激发了不协调的声音混响。
】
12.
"The
preponderance
of
evidence
belies
the
defendant's
innocence.
"
【无数的证据显然反驳了被告的无辜之辞。
】
13.
"The
interminable
procession
of
quotidian
tasks
can
be
a
Sisyphean
ordeal.
"
【无尽的平凡任务排队需要无数人向西西弗斯一样地煎熬。
】
14.
"The
truculent
rhetoric
of
the
demagogue
is
an
affront
to
civilized
discourse.
"
【雄辩家的好战言辞侮辱了文明的对话。
】
15.
"The
hermeneutic
exercise
reveals
layers
of
meaning
that
would
otherwise
remain
occluded.
"
【解释性的锻炼揭示了否则会被掩盖的深层含义。
】
16.
"The
ineffable
beauty
of
a
sunset
defies
facile
description.
"
【日落不可言喻的美丽无法被肤浅的描述所界定。
】
17.
"The
oenophile
savors
the
bouquet
of
a
fine
Bordeaux
with
a
discerning
palate.
"
【美酒爱好者品尝着一杯优质的波尔多佳酿,用敏锐的味蕾感受着香气。
】
18.
"Existential
nihilism
posits
that
life
has
no
inherent
meaning,
but
leaves
the
path
to
personal
significance
open.
"
【存在主义虚无主义认为生命没有固有的意义,但让人们找到个人的重要性之路。
】
19.
"The
polyglot's
facile
fluency
in
multiple
languages
belies
the
hard
work
and
dedication
required
to
achieve
it.
"
【多语言者肤浅的流利掩盖了其所需努力和献身精神。
】
20.
"Epistemological
inquiry
reveals
the
intricacies
of
the
relationship
between
knowledge
and
reality.
"
【认识论的探讨揭示出知识与现实之间的微妙关系。
】