1.
Time
waits
for
no
one,
so
make
the
most
of
every
moment.
【时间不等人,所以要珍惜每一刻。
】
2.
The
past
is
gone,
the
future
is
unknown,
but
today
is
a
gift
-
that's
why
it's
called
the
present.
【过去已经过去,未来还未到来,但今天是一份礼物——所以才会被称为“现在”。
】
3.
Time
is
a
precious
resource.
Spend
it
wisely.
【时间是宝贵的资源,要明智地利用它。
】
4.
Time
management
is
essential
for
making
the
most
of
your
day.
【时间管理对于充分利用你的一天至关重要。
】
5.
Every
second
counts
–
don’t
let
any
go
to
waste.
【每一秒都很重要——不要浪费任何一秒。
】
6.
Time
is
your
most
valuable
asset,
use
it
wisely.
【时间是你最宝贵的资产,要明智地运用它。
】
7.
The
clock
keeps
ticking,
so
make
each
moment
count.
【时钟不停地滴答滴答,所以要让每一刻都有价值。
】
8.
You
can't
turn
back
time,
but
you
can
make
the
most
of
the
time
you
have.
【你无法回到过去,但可以最大限度地利用你现有的时间。
】
9.
Time
is
a
nonrenewable
resource
-
use
it
wisely.
【时间是不可再生的资源——要明智地利用它。
】
10.
Time
is
a
great
healer,
but
it
is
also
a
great
revealer
of
priorities.
【时间是最好的疗伤药,但也能揭示出一个人的优先事项。
】
11.
Time
lost
cannot
be
gained
back
-
treasure
every
moment.
【失去的时间无法挽回——珍惜每一刻。
】
12.
Time
flies
when
you're
having
fun
-
make
sure
to
enjoy
the
ride.
【玩得开心时间过得飞快——一定要好好享受旅程。
】
13.
Don't
waste
your
time
on
things
that
don't
matter
-
focus
on
what
truly
makes
you
happy.
【不要把时间浪费在无关紧要的事情上——专注于真正让你快乐的事情。
】
14.
Time
is
money,
but
it
is
also
much
more
precious
than
that.
【时间就是金钱,但它也比金钱更宝贵。
】
15.
Each
day
is
a
new
opportunity
to
make
the
most
of
your
time.
【每一天都是充分利用时间的新机会。
】
16.
Time
is
a
gift,
use
it
wisely
and
with
gratitude.
【时间是一份礼物,要感恩地珍惜和明智地利用它。
】
17.
Don't
let
time
slip
through
your
fingers
-
hold
onto
it
tightly.
【不要让时间从你的手中溜走——紧紧地抓住它。
】
18.
Time
is
finite,
so
make
sure
to
prioritize
what
truly
matters.
【时间是有限的,所以要确保优先考虑真正重要的事情。
】
19.
Time
is
the
most
valuable
thing
you
can
spend
-
use
it
to
invest
in
yourself
and
your
relationships.
【时间是你可以花费的最宝贵的东西——用它来投资于你自己和你的关系。
】
20.
Time
is
the
most
precious
commodity
in
life
-
use
it
to
create
the
life
you
want
to
live.
【时间是生命中最宝贵的货币——用它来创造你想要的生活。
】