1.
喺我心目中,你系最珍贵嘅人。
【In
my
heart,
you
are
the
most
precious
person.
】
2.
每一刻陪伴你,我都好开心。
【I
am
so
happy
to
be
with
you
every
moment.
】
3.
无论发生咩事,我都会陪伴你度过。
【No
matter
what
happens,
will
be
with
you.
】
4.
爱你,不需原因。
【I
love
you,
without
reason.
】
5.
你嘅微笑系我嘅幸福来源。
【Your
smile
is
the
source
of
my
happiness.
】
6.
爱系两个人嘅事,唔系一个人嘅表演。
【Love
is
about
two
people,
not
one
person's
performance.
】
7.
有你喺身边,生活就变得更加美好。
【Life
is
better
with
you
by
my
side.
】
8.
得到你嘅爱,系我最大嘅福气。
【Having
your
love
is
my
greatest
blessing.
】
9.
有你嘅陪伴,我愿望成真。
【With
you
by
my
side,
my
dreams
come
true.
】
10.
你嘅关心、呵护系我嘅馈赠。
【Your
care
and
nurturing
are
my
gifts.
】
11.
爱系无声嘅,但系最真挚嘅表达。
【Love
is
silent,
but
the
most
sincere
expression.
】
12.
纵然出咗远门,我依然心系住你。
【Even
if
go
far
away,
my
heart
is
always
with
you.
】
13.
你系我生命中最美嘅回忆。
【You
are
the
most
beautiful
memory
in
my
life.
】
14.
所有好嘅瞬间,都因为有你而变得更加美好。
【All
the
good
moments
are
better
because
of
you.
】
15.
爱系嘅感觉,唔系可以言语描述。
【Love
is
a
feeling
that
cannot
be
described
in
words.
】
16.
陪伴系最长情嘅告白。
【Accompanying
is
the
most
affectionate
confession.
】
17.
你嘅存在系我生命中最珍贵嘅礼物。
【Your
presence
is
the
most
precious
gift
in
my
life.
】
18.
爱系一世嘅承诺,不论未来会咩事,我一定会陪伴你。
【Love
is
a
lifelong
commitment.
No
matter
what
happens
in
the
future,
will
always
be
with
you.
】
19.
我愿意因你而变得更好。
【I
am
willing
to
become
better
because
of
you.
】
20.
你系我心底嘅太阳,照耀着我整个人生。
【You
are
the
sun
in
my
heart,
shining
on
my
whole
life.
】