1.
"Love
is
the
medicine
that
heals
all
wounds.
"
【温柔治愈】
2.
"The
greatest
happiness
in
life
is
the
certainty
of
being
loved.
"
【找爱情】
3.
"Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
about
appreciation.
"
【温柔治愈】
4.
"Love
is
not
what
you
say.
Love
is
what
you
do.
"
【找爱情】
5.
"Being
deeply
loved
by
someone
gives
you
strength,
while
loving
someone
deeply
gives
you
courage.
"
【温柔治愈】
6.
"The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul
and
makes
us
reach
for
more.
"
【找爱情】
7.
"Love
is
not
about
finding
the
right
person,
but
creating
a
right
relationship.
"
【温柔治愈】
8.
"True
love
is
when
you're
willing
to
sacrifice
for
someone
without
expecting
anything
in
return.
"
【找爱情】
9.
"Love
is
not
just
about
romance,
it's
about
compassion,
kindness,
and
understanding.
"
【温柔治愈】
10.
"Love
is
not
about
how
many
days,
months,
or
years
you've
been
together.
It's
about
how
much
you
love
each
other
every
day.
"
【找爱情】
11.
"Love
is
like
a
beautiful
flower
which
may
not
touch,
but
whose
fragrance
makes
the
garden
a
place
of
delight
just
the
same.
"
【温柔治愈】
12.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
"
【找爱情】
13.
"The
best
part
of
my
life
is
knowing
that
you're
in
it.
"
【温柔治愈】
14.
"Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
choice
you
make
every
day.
"
【找爱情】
15.
"In
life,
it's
not
the
people
you
want
to
be
with
that
matter,
it's
the
people
you
need
to
be
with
that
matter.
"
【温柔治愈】
16.
"True
love
is
not
about
finding
someone
who
completes
you,
but
finding
someone
who
accepts
you
completely.
"
【找爱情】
17.
"Love
is
not
a
matter
of
counting
the
years,
but
making
the
years
count.
"
【温柔治愈】
18.
"Love
is
not
just
about
being
with
someone
who
makes
you
happy.
It's
about
being
with
someone
who
helps
you
be
a
better
person.
"
【找爱情】
19.
"The
best
kind
of
love
is
the
one
that
just
makes
you
a
better
person,
without
changing
you
into
someone
other
than
yourself.
"
【温柔治愈】
20.
"When
you
love
someone,
you
accept
them
as
they
are,
faults
and
all.
"
【找爱情】